Outlawing Abortion Won’t Lead to Fewer Abortions,
Just Fewer Safe Abortions
Ira, regarding “back-alley abortions”, that is an image that quite honestly was manufactured by abortion advocates and yet debunked by more honest abortion proponents. Even as far back as 1960, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, a former director of Planned Parenthood, wrote in the American Journal of Public Health, “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure…whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.” While any abortion does, in fact, carry risk for women, Dr. Calderone is correct that illegal and legal abortions have long been done by physicians and midwives.
More importantly, we need to keep the focus on the main issue. Abortion takes the life of an innocent human being. It is not safe for the baby and harms women. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life.
Ira, regarding “back-alley abortions”, that is an image that quite honestly was manufactured by abortion advocates and yet debunked by more honest abortion proponents. Even as far back as 1960, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, a former director of Planned Parenthood, wrote in the American Journal of Public Health, “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure…whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.” While any abortion does, in fact, carry risk for women, Dr. Calderone is correct that illegal and legal abortions have long been done by physicians and midwives.
More importantly, we need to keep the focus on the main issue. Abortion takes the life of an innocent human being. It is not safe for the baby and harms women. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life.
Barry, let’s talk about the killing of the poor and minority groups. What worse oppression and “punishment” is there?
According to a Centers for Disease Control report for the year 2020, black babies comprised 39.2% of abortions despite the fact that black Americans were only 12.4% of the population in 2020. No, what is needed is compassion and support to help those in crisis pregnancies – not the elimination of people groups.
Barry, let’s talk about the killing of the poor and minority groups. What worse oppression and “punishment” is there?
According to a Centers for Disease Control report for the year 2020, black babies comprised 39.2% of abortions despite the fact that black Americans were only 12.4% of the population in 2020. No, what is needed is compassion and support to help those in crisis pregnancies – not the elimination of people groups.
Josh, …regarding your statement that “all of the nations with low abortion rates have it legalized”. Please provide evidence for that opinion. Data available contradicts your statement. The fact is that according to the World Health Organization, ” Tracking the rate of abortion in various countries around the world is difficult because many nations do not record or report abortion rates. This is especially true in nations where abortion is illegal, and thus no official records are kept.”
What we can compare with more certainty is two states in the United States – California and Texas. California is a leader in abortion. Texas is a leader in the protection of life.
The Guttmacher Institute, which is a leading pro-abortion research organization, estimates that the 2020 abortion rate for California was 19.2. The 2020 abortion rate across the entire United States was 14.4. Texas’ rate was just 9.5. So even when both California and Texas allowed abortions, Texas with its restrictions had a lower abortion rate.
Now that Texas has outlawed abortion that rate has dropped further. So, outlawing or restricting abortion does lower abortion rates…The answer is to help women and babies – not pit them against each other. We can and must help them both.
Josh, …regarding your statement that “all of the nations with low abortion rates have it legalized”. Please provide evidence for that opinion. Data available contradicts your statement. The fact is that according to the World Health Organization, ” Tracking the rate of abortion in various countries around the world is difficult because many nations do not record or report abortion rates. This is especially true in nations where abortion is illegal, and thus no official records are kept.”
What we can compare with more certainty is two states in the United States – California and Texas. California is a leader in abortion. Texas is a leader in the protection of life.
The Guttmacher Institute, which is a leading pro-abortion research organization, estimates that the 2020 abortion rate for California was 19.2. The 2020 abortion rate across the entire United States was 14.4. Texas’ rate was just 9.5. So even when both California and Texas allowed abortions, Texas with its restrictions had a lower abortion rate.
Now that Texas has outlawed abortion that rate has dropped further. So, outlawing or restricting abortion does lower abortion rates…The answer is to help women and babies – not pit them against each other. We can and must help them both.

More importantly, we need to keep the focus on the main issue. If abortion takes the life of an innocent human being – which it does – then it is wrong and it is never safe. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life.

More importantly, we need to keep the focus on the main issue. If abortion takes the life of an innocent human being – which it does – then it is wrong and it is never safe. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life.