The recording of this meeting is now available! Click the link below!
LifeFirst’s May Monthly Meeting highlights a rapidly growing sector of the pro-life movement. Guest speaker, Kelsey Hazzard, was a student at the University of Miami when she recognized that non-religious pro-lifers needed a place to connect. So at 19 years old, she founded Secular Pro-Life (SPL), a national organization that works both to end elective abortion and to help agnostics, atheists, and secular humanists find a place in the pro-life movement. SPL welcomes those with no faith or of any faith, as long as they are interested in advancing secular reasoning opposing abortion.
According to recent surveys, Generation Z and millennials are increasingly pro-life and, at the same time, increasingly non-religious. Cultural changes have brought a shift in pro-life debate from a primarily Biblical stance to include a human rights emphasis. Young people, religious and non-religious alike, are coming out strongly pro-life and pro-women.
LifeFirst maintains that the value of each human life is the moral issue of our day AND the civic issue of our day. SPL advances this point of view via a robust social media/online presence and in-person events, particularly on college campuses. Kelsey has also authored the novella Cultivating Weeds and has been a guest columnist for Live Action. You can read some of her articles here.
We should take every opportunity to cooperate in this paramount effort with Christians and non-Christians alike. To see the pro-life movement succeed, we must find strength in what unifies us–the belief that all humanity has intrinsic value and worth from conception to natural death.
Please take this opportunity to watch the recording of this meeting! You will glean from Kelsey’s experience and insight and come away equipped for new conversations and the ability to reach a wider audience.
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