Greetings Friends 4 Life!
Client activity at 4747 Louetta had a slow start Saturday morning, but picked up steam as we got into our watch. There were no cars in the parking lot at all when I first arrived for vigil, but then three of them parked at the same time just before opening. In total, I think there were about twenty clients during our watch through 9:30.
I was joined very early by prayer warriors who came out to participate in this 40 Days campaign, and we had a presence of nine on the vigil strip by 8:30. Most of us participated in a clean-up of the vigil strip from end to end, which was littered with quite a lot of windblown trash. We didn’t want there to be any presumption that the trash was there because of vigil attendees, and we had it all picked up and bagged within about ten minutes.
A peaceful police presence
We had barely finished cleaning up the vigil strip when two Harris County Constable cars drove up. The spokesman was a Lieutenant, who was very cordial and polite. He said they were dispatched to come because of a call from Planned Parenthood regarding trespass and potential traffic disruption concerns, and then gave us assurances that we had every right to take our stand on the public easement. I shared with the officer that even though we are a presence of peaceful prayer, we’ve still had the occasional verbally abusive heckler stop by to harass us. The Lieutenant said that would not happen today, because they would park right there with us and maintain order. The officers just sat in their parked cars nearby, but it was good to have them with us – they had the opportunity to see firsthand that we are not the troublemakers reported in the complaint call to them. We are who we say we are! Peaceful, prayerful servants of God, who stand in humble persistence as a voice for the unborn innocents!
A strong start!
We were joined at 9:30 by another fifteen prayer warriors, and some from our early watch stayed on to stand with those reinforcements. It was awesome to be allowed the privilege to serve with God’s people and stand in defense of Life! It was awesome to see the commitment by so many, to make a difference during these 40 Days.
Joe W.
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