When does life begin? Justice Harry Blackmun wrote in his Roe v Wade court opinion that “at this point in the development of man’s knowledge, (the Court) is not in a position to speculate as to the answer” of when life begins. Over half a century later, that is still the burning question of the abortion debate and it must be answered!
LifeFirst’s WDLB social media/billboard campaign engages our community on that fundamental question. WDLB consists of content on a dedicated website at youranswermatters.org, daily content posted on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, and original content articles. An additional tool is our Pro-life Answers 101. From our many conversations on WDLB comment strings, we’ve aggregated common pro-abortion arguments. Pro-life Answers 101 provides our actual responses spoken with grace, clarity and evidence to equip people for conversations in their spheres of influence. Please use it as an ongoing resource!
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