When it comes to getting a point across, videos are one of the most effective forms of communication. By hosting the LifeFirst Video Contest, we encourage content that will shift attitudes back to a respect for life on social media platforms – where young people get their information!
The Video Contest is open to contestants 15 to 23 years old who reside in Texas. Please scroll to the end of the page to see the 2024 winners.
Films should be 30 seconds to 3 minutes in length and must affirm the value of life in a creative way.
1st Place- $1000
2nd Place- $500
3rd Place- $250
Video submissions must focus exclusively on abortion, euthanasia, infanticide or denial of medical care to the handicapped or infirm. Please read the rules below for complete information. Submit questions to videocontest@lifefirst.org.
In addition to the individual awards to winning students, LifeFirst will supply a gift card to classroom teacher/adult group leaders if three or more students in a class/group participate in one of our contests. The gift cards are to host a classroom party at the conclusion of the contest. Through the classroom parties even students that did not participate directly in the contest can be drawn into the discussion of the value of life.
As an organization, we at LifeFirst believe that the defense of innocent human life from conception until natural death is the moral and civic issue of our time.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 115
Magnolia, Texas 77353
© 2024 LifeFirst | Website by Springwood Marketing