Last week we read about how God is working through 40 Days for Life to close abortion facilities and save babies’ lives!! God enjoys hearing from His people and acting on their prayers. It’s not that He needs us in order to act, but it’s about The God of the universe wanting us to partner with Him in His work.

Through 40 Days for Life, that is what we have the opportunity to do!! As Martin Luther wrote in his famous hymn A Mighty Fortress is Our God:

“And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, 
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us.”

We will continue fighting the good fight through prayer and presence at abortion facilities!

There was a story that I read recently about a mother who went to obtain an abortion and was turned away when the facility informed her that she needed more money as she was pregnant with twins. Not only does this show how the abortion facility lacked compassion for this woman (who had already spent more money than she was able to afford), as they sought after the maximum financial benefit, but it turned out the woman was in fact not pregnant with twins.

Our mighty God directed sidewalk counselors to this woman as she exited the facility and they talked with her and provided her help through a local pregnancy resource center where she chose life for her precious baby!! Indeed, this world has darkness in it, but we will not fear for God will triumph in the end, and what a blessing that He uses us to help do it!!

Keep going strong, God is with us “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28!

God bless you,
Brittany P.
Spring – Leader