Fetal Abnormalities
Arlinda, life is indeed hard for us all and that can be increased with a disability. However, please watch this video of Nic Vujicic. We believe you will find it one of the most inspiring you have ever viewed! Nic was born without arms or legs yet lives a full life as a painter, sky diver, motivational speaker, husband, and proud father of two sons.
Arlinda, life is indeed hard for us all and that can be increased with a disability. However, please watch this video of Nic Vujicic. We believe you will find it one of the most inspiring you have ever viewed! Nic was born without arms or legs yet lives a full life as a painter, sky diver, motivational speaker, husband, and proud father of two sons.
Marianne, your position of determining the value of a person’s life based on dependency and presupposed outcomes is very subjective and not grounded in fact.
Firstly, what makes the unborn’s dependence different from the dependence of a newborn, a child, or a person who is experiencing a medical emergency? Those people also will not survive apart from the help of caregivers. In the case of medical emergencies, we as a society compassionately deliver care based on need – generally not on a financial calculus.
Secondly, you seem to be assuming that all preemies are doomed to a life of handicaps and suffering. That is simply not true. Compassion dictates that each person’s life is valued equally – that includes the unborn, the handicapped, the infirm and the elderly – whether or not they are in a state of dependency.
Marianne, your position of determining the value of a person’s life based on dependency and presupposed outcomes is very subjective and not grounded in fact.
Firstly, what makes the unborn’s dependence different from the dependence of a newborn, a child, or a person who is experiencing a medical emergency? Those people also will not survive apart from the help of caregivers. In the case of medical emergencies, we as a society compassionately deliver care based on need – generally not on a financial calculus.
Secondly, you seem to be assuming that all preemies are doomed to a life of handicaps and suffering. That is simply not true. Compassion dictates that each person’s life is valued equally – that includes the unborn, the handicapped, the infirm and the elderly – whether or not they are in a state of dependency.
Donald, regarding severe handicaps, we as people should not impose our standard of living on another – it is a bias against the handicapped. Please watch this short video featuring Edgar Pacheco – a young man born without arms or legs – one of the worst disabilities.
Donald, regarding severe handicaps, we as people should not impose our standard of living on another – it is a bias against the handicapped. Please watch this short video featuring Edgar Pacheco – a young man born without arms or legs – one of the worst disabilities.
Brian, thank you for your very thoughtful response. As you say, ethics is so important and interesting – the discussions are vital.
Ethics exist along a continuum. There are gray areas but there are also “black areas” (absolutes) as well as “white areas” (issues which are completely subject to preference. There is no right or wrong). The value of a unique human life is such that it must be given the greatest amount of deference – little to no gray area.
Regarding the arguments of survival outside the womb, home situation and the issue of disability, those are arguments based on dependence and quality of life. But at no other point in life’s journey – other than the beginning of life – do we justify taking another human being’s life based on those criteria. What about the newborn or two-year-old child? Those children are also completely dependent.
What about a person who due to illness or accident becomes totally dependent? Is their right to life then subject to their caretaker? Regarding taking the child’s life due to disability or family situation, we cannot impose our idea of quality of life upon others. One of my friends in college had spina bifida. She had challenges but loved her life. We encourage you to view this brief interview with Edgar Pacheco, a young man born without arms or legs – a SEVERE disability. Yet Edgar is joyful, productive, and contributing to society.
Ethics exist along a continuum. There are gray areas but there are also “black areas” (absolutes) as well as “white areas” (issues which are completely subject to preference. There is no right or wrong). The value of a unique human life is such that it must be given the greatest amount of deference – little to no gray area.
Regarding the arguments of survival outside the womb, home situation and the issue of disability, those are arguments based on dependence and quality of life. But at no other point in life’s journey – other than the beginning of life – do we justify taking another human being’s life based on those criteria. What about the newborn or two-year-old child? Those children are also completely dependent.
What about a person who due to illness or accident becomes totally dependent? Is their right to life then subject to their caretaker? Regarding taking the child’s life due to disability or family situation, we cannot impose our idea of quality of life upon others. One of my friends in college had spina bifida. She had challenges but loved her life. We encourage you to view this brief interview with Edgar Pacheco, a young man born without arms or legs – a SEVERE disability. Yet Edgar is joyful, productive, and contributing to society.
Peggy, what you are proposing is simply the age-old societal structure of “might makes right” – the stronger party prevails over the weaker. You have not provided any scientific evidence that genetically, scientifically, objectively the unborn are less human than those born.
We appreciate that at least you are transparent. You affirm your discriminatory belief that those with Down Syndrome “should be eliminated by any means possible”. You further affirm, “that as for abortion being racist, the same applies”. Discrimination and genocide are immoral whoever commits it – pregnant or not….
Peggy, what you are proposing is simply the age-old societal structure of “might makes right” – the stronger party prevails over the weaker. You have not provided any scientific evidence that genetically, scientifically, objectively the unborn are less human than those born.
We appreciate that at least you are transparent. You affirm your discriminatory belief that those with Down Syndrome “should be eliminated by any means possible”. You further affirm, “that as for abortion being racist, the same applies”. Discrimination and genocide are immoral whoever commits it – pregnant or not….