LifeFirst was recently notified that the Facebook page for our When Does Life Begin campaign reached the 1 Million Engagement threshold. Wonderful news! Post engagement refers to actions taken for posts – likes, shares, commenting, clicking links, etc. Since many more people will read content than will take some sort of action, we know confidently that we have impacted multiple millions of people! This number doesn’t include the many more who’ve engaged with the When Does Life Begin content via the website, the Instagram content, or the TikTok content.
Furthermore, the last four monthly analytics reports have shown that New York City has been the number one city for our Facebook engagement. Another point of celebration! This data point shows the growing impact of the When Does Life Begin campaign nationwide – even in very pro-abortion states like New York. Chicago has consistently been ranked as the number three or four city in Facebook engagement for When Does Life Begin.
If you haven’t taken part in the When Does Life Begin effort, please get involved now! You can be part of changing hearts and minds – the path toward a lasting respect for life. There is great content on the main website at and almost daily content posted on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Nothing on the site identifies it as a pro-life site. We simply share the science! This makes sharing non-confrontational.
Please “engage” by clicking on the link below for more information and for links to the When Does Life Begin content sites.