Brent…we must treat rape victims with overwhelming love and compassion. Rape is one of the most brutal violations that any person can experience…however, let’s remember that situations involving rape and incest make up less than 1.5% of abortion decisions.
Also, some studies have found rape victims have better psychological outcomes giving life to the child than going through the further trauma of abortion. We can care for both the woman and baby. The baby is innocent as well. Should she pay with her life for the sins of the father?
Brent…we must treat rape victims with overwhelming love and compassion. Rape is one of the most brutal violations that any person can experience…however, let’s remember that situations involving rape and incest make up less than 1.5% of abortion decisions.
Also, some studies have found rape victims have better psychological outcomes giving life to the child than going through the further trauma of abortion. We can care for both the woman and baby. The baby is innocent as well. Should she pay with her life for the sins of the father?

Donald, pregnancy as a result of rape is incredibly traumatic, and we must treat these women with overwhelming love and compassion. It is important to note that rape accounts for less than 1% of abortions.
Regarding severe handicaps, we as people should not impose our standard of living on another – it is a bias against the handicapped. Please watch this short video featuring Edgar Pacheco – a young man born without arms or legs – one of the worst disabilities. https://abc13.com/society/teen-born-without-limbs-already-has-sights-for-political-office/5384431/
Regarding back-alley abortions, that is an image that quite honestly was manufactured by abortion advocates and yet debunked by more honest abortion proponents. Even as far back as 1960, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, a former director of Planned Parenthood, wrote in the American Journal of Public Health, “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure…whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.” Illegal and legal abortions have long been done by physicians and midwives.
More importantly, we need to keep the focus on the main issue. If abortion takes the life of an innocent human being – which it does – then it is wrong. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life.
Donald, pregnancy as a result of rape is incredibly traumatic, and we must treat these women with overwhelming love and compassion. It is important to note that rape accounts for less than 1% of abortions.
Regarding severe handicaps, we as people should not impose our standard of living on another – it is a bias against the handicapped. Please watch this short video featuring Edgar Pacheco – a young man born without arms or legs – one of the worst disabilities. https://abc13.com/society/teen-born-without-limbs-already-has-sights-for-political-office/5384431/
Regarding back-alley abortions, that is an image that quite honestly was manufactured by abortion advocates and yet debunked by more honest abortion proponents. Even as far back as 1960, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, a former director of Planned Parenthood, wrote in the American Journal of Public Health, “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure…whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.” Illegal and legal abortions have long been done by physicians and midwives.
More importantly, we need to keep the focus on the main issue. If abortion takes the life of an innocent human being – which it does – then it is wrong. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life.
Kirk, rape is a very intimate horror. As humans we should always strive for the path of the most love, the most healing, the most compassion – for all people involved in a particular situation. With that as a guide it seems in most circumstances the best path of love as a society is to help the woman choose life.
The few studies that have been done generally show that is the best psychological outcome for the woman. It is certainly best for the baby. That being said there is no easy answer in the case of rape.
Kirk, rape is a very intimate horror. As humans we should always strive for the path of the most love, the most healing, the most compassion – for all people involved in a particular situation. With that as a guide it seems in most circumstances the best path of love as a society is to help the woman choose life.
The few studies that have been done generally show that is the best psychological outcome for the woman. It is certainly best for the baby. That being said there is no easy answer in the case of rape.
Laura, we appreciate your compassion toward women in unintended pregnancies. However, the disruption of a months-long pregnancy does not outweigh the value of the baby’s entire life. There is a plethora of resources to assist women financially and emotionally through their pregnancies and people waiting anxiously to adopt. Estimates are that 1-2 million couples are on adoption waiting lists each year.
Pregnancy as a result of rape is incredibly traumatic, and we must treat rape victims with overwhelming love and compassion. It is important to note that rape/incest accounts for less than 1.5% of abortions.
The main issue is – if abortion takes the life of an innocent human being – which it does – then it is wrong. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life as stated in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
Again, it is obvious that you come from a place of compassion. Please listen to this brief two-minute video of people who survived abortions. They poignantly present their perspective as individuals deserving the fundamental Right to Life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm24p8cBPKQ
Laura, we appreciate your compassion toward women in unintended pregnancies. However, the disruption of a months-long pregnancy does not outweigh the value of the baby’s entire life. There is a plethora of resources to assist women financially and emotionally through their pregnancies and people waiting anxiously to adopt. Estimates are that 1-2 million couples are on adoption waiting lists each year.
Pregnancy as a result of rape is incredibly traumatic, and we must treat rape victims with overwhelming love and compassion. It is important to note that rape/incest accounts for less than 1.5% of abortions.
The main issue is – if abortion takes the life of an innocent human being – which it does – then it is wrong. We as a society do not allow the taking of innocent life in any other context. Human beings have an inalienable right to life as stated in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
Again, it is obvious that you come from a place of compassion. Please listen to this brief two-minute video of people who survived abortions. They poignantly present their perspective as individuals deserving the fundamental Right to Life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm24p8cBPKQ
Bobby, I am very sorry if you had a poor adoptive experience. However, were you adopted as an infant or an older child? Age of adoption is a factor in adoptive experience.
We agree that women making the choice for adoption due to rape or for any reason need to be helped with compassion. More resources need to be provided for both adoptive children and adoptive families – not death via abortion.
Also, please provide evidence regarding your statement that 80% of adoptees are pro-choice. I have never seen any studies making that claim. Would you truly wish that you had not been born? I hope that your life is a happy one and that you will recognize life is our greatest gift.
Bobby, I am very sorry if you had a poor adoptive experience. However, were you adopted as an infant or an older child? Age of adoption is a factor in adoptive experience.
We agree that women making the choice for adoption due to rape or for any reason need to be helped with compassion. More resources need to be provided for both adoptive children and adoptive families – not death via abortion.
Also, please provide evidence regarding your statement that 80% of adoptees are pro-choice. I have never seen any studies making that claim. Would you truly wish that you had not been born? I hope that your life is a happy one and that you will recognize life is our greatest gift.