Noah Thonnard, LifeFirst’s Third Place 2021 Video Contest winner, was named the First Place winner of the National Right to Life Video Contest! Our sincere congratulations go to Noah for his touching video Choose Life, which is now nationally recognized!
Although LifeFirst is not connected with National Right to Life, we pattern our Video Contest and Essay Contest rules such that local contest participants can easily submit their entries in the corresponding National Right to Life contests. Each year, we encourage our contest participants to take that next step. Our local students have had great success doing so!
In our first year as LifeFirst, we were thrilled when Emily Martin, our second place local winner in 2019, won the National Right to Life Video Contest with Katrin’s Story. Now in LifeFirst’s second year, the successful run continues with Noah’s first-place win!
We also celebrated earlier this year when Hadassah DeDominicis, our second place junior high Essay Contest winner, took place first place nationally at the junior high level with Our Future.
While the recognition of a job well done is always significant in a student’s life, the real value comes with the training these students and their families receive toward sharing the message of life.
Also, participation in the contests often solidifies conviction that continues to bear fruit in a young person’s life. We have seen former contestants become pro-life club leaders on college campuses, founders of pro-life organizations, and even pro-life social media influencers. LifeFirst Student Contests fuel the fire burning in the pro-life generation!
There is a contest for every age and interest! The Poster Art Contest gets the youngest students’ wheels turning as they express through poster artwork that “Every Human Life is Beautiful!” The Essay Contest sparks conversations with teachers, parents, and peers as junior and senior high students hone writing and argumentation skills while addressing the question, “Why are you pro-life?” Our Oratory Contest gives high school juniors and seniors a platform to begin using their pro-life voices—literally! The Video Contest encourages young people to develop that voice using one of the most effective marketing strategies of our day. Through this year’s addition of a Fine Art Contest, students visualize and create unique artistic expressions of the theme, “When Does Life Begin?”
Registration for our two fall contests — the Poster Art and Essay — begins September 1 and will be open to students in Montgomery, Harris, and 16 surrounding counties! We would love to see widespread participation in these contests, but we need help getting the word out! Please contact us if you know of a group that might be interested in participating. Perhaps you could even be a liaison of communication! Together, we can inspire this generation and invite them to be voices for the voiceless. To learn more about all our Student Contests, click here. Be sure to check out each individual contest for details, and please download and share the contest flyers with friends!