

Intentional prayer influences change. God urges us to pray. So, let’s pray for the lives of the unborn children, for the needs of women in crisis pregnancies and for the hearts and minds of abortion workers.
Intentional prayer influences change. God urges us to pray. So, let’s pray for the lives of the unborn children, for the needs of women in crisis pregnancies and for the hearts and minds of abortion workers.

Sign up for weekly email prayer points covering important, timely pro-life issues.  You can change our world right from home!

Sign up for weekly email prayer points covering important, timely pro-life issues.  You can change our world right from home!

LifeFirst encourages volunteers to pray and offer alternatives to abortion outside abortion facilities.  We must be where the hurting people are, and the life and death decisions are being made. 

LifeFirst sponsors the local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, a biannual, international pro-life campaign. You will be partnering with pro-lifers across the globe to end abortion!

LifeFirst sponsors the local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, a biannual, international pro-life campaign. You will be partnering with pro-lifers across the globe to end abortion!

LifeFirst sponsors the local Life Chain. Since 1987, believers have gathered nationwide on a Sunday in October to prayerfully stand for Life. Easy to participate – yet so profound! Great for the family.