Often, we hear from ardent supporters of life, “I believe in the sanctity of life, but I don’t know what to say.” Help is below!

The following pro-abortion comments were taken directly from our When Does Life Begin Facebook page. These are some of the most common questions/objections pro-life advocates face along with our actual responses.

Just pick the subject box that interests you. No need to read everything! The topic and answer format makes it easy to practice responses with a friend. Also, feel free to cut and paste our answers as needed as you respond to pro-abortion comments on social media. 

Please also follow When Does Life Begin on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. You will stay up to date on abortion arguments and we encourage you to join the comment strings. Please SHARE this resource with others. We want to get this tool to as many people as possible.

Please note:  *Misspellings and grammatical errors are as written by the comment author in order to maintain authenticity and accuracy.


Often, we hear from ardent supporters of life, “I believe in the sanctity of life, but I don’t know what to say.” Help is below!

The following pro-abortion comments were taken directly from our When Does Life Begin Facebook page. These are some of the most common questions/objections pro-life advocates face along with our actual responses.

Just pick the subject box that interests you. No need to read everything! The topic and answer format makes it easy to practice responses with a friend. Also, feel free to cut and paste our answers as needed as you respond to pro-abortion comments on social media. 

Please also follow When Does Life Begin on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. You will stay up to date on abortion arguments and we encourage you to join the comment strings. Please SHARE this resource with others. We want to get this tool to as many people as possible.

Please note:  *Misspellings and grammatical errors are as written by the comment author in order to maintain authenticity and accuracy.

My body my choice

Jennifer, half the babies aborted are females who will develop uteruses.  What about their bodily autonomy?  A human is a human from conception, so each individual – with or without a uterus- has a right to bodily autonomy. The woman’s right to bodily autonomy is best exercised before she and her partner have created another living human being. We should not punish women who find themselves in an unintended pregnancy.

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It’s about personhood

Tori, there is no “potential” because it is a human being from conception. The fusion of the egg and sperm create a human being with its own unique set of DNA — separate from that of its mother or father. For something as irreplaceable as a human life, an objective criteria – such as genetics – should determine humanity.


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My body my choice

Jennifer, half the babies aborted are females who will develop uteruses.  What about their bodily autonomy?  A human is a human from conception, so each individual – with or without a uterus- has a right to bodily autonomy.

The woman’s right to bodily autonomy is best exercised before she and her partner have created another living human being. We should not punish women who find themselves in an unintended pregnancy.


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It’s about personhood


Tori, there is no “potential” because it is a human being from conception. The fusion of the egg and sperm create a human being with its own unique set of DNA — separate from that of its mother or father.

For something as irreplaceable as a human life, an objective criteria – such as genetics – should determine humanity.


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Brent, pregnancy as a result of rape is incredibly traumatic, and we must treat rape victims with overwhelming love and compassion. As we discuss abortion policy, however, let’s remember that situations involving rape and incest make up less than 1.5% of abortion decisions. Also, some studies have found rape victims have better psychological outcomes giving life to the child than going through the further trauma of abortion. We can care for both the woman and baby. The baby is innocent as well. Should she pay with her life for the sins of the father? Click here for more comments and responses on this topic.

Women will die

Jamie, since 1883 when Robert Lawson Tait performed the first successful removal of a ruptured fallopian tube, women have received care for ectopic pregnancies. That long-time standard of care is not considered an elective abortion although it results in the removal of the embryo. The mortality rate for ectopic pregnancies dropped from 72-90% in 1880 to 0.14% in 1990. That care will remain post-Roe

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Brent, pregnancy as a result of rape is incredibly traumatic, and we must treat rape victims with overwhelming love and compassion. As we discuss abortion policy, however, let’s remember that situations involving rape make up less than 1% of abortion decisions. Also, some studies have found rape victims have better psychological outcomes giving life to the child than going through the further trauma of abortion. We can care for both the woman and baby. The baby is innocent as well. Should she pay with her life for the sins of the father?

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Women will die


Jamie, since 1883 when Robert Lawson Tait first successfully removed a ruptured fallopian tube, women have received care for ectopic pregnancies. This is not an elective abortion though it results in the removal of the embryo.

The mortality rate for ectopic pregnancies decreased from 72-90% in 1880 to 0.14% in 1990. That care will remain post-Roe.


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Fetal abnormalities

Arlinda, life is indeed hard for us all and that can be increased with a disability. However, please watch this video of Nic Vujicic.We believe you will find it one of the most inspiring you have ever viewed! Nic was born without arms or legs yet lives a full life as a painter, sky diver, motivational speaker, husband, and proud father of two sons.

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Outlawing abortion won’t lead to fewer abortions, just fewer safe abortions

Ira, regarding “back-alley abortions”, that is an image that quite honestly was manufactured by abortion advocates and yet debunked by more honest abortion proponents. Even as far back as 1960, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, a former director of Planned Parenthood wrote in the American Journal of Public Health, “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure…whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.”

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Fetal abnormalities


Arlinda, life is indeed hard for us all and that can be increased with a disability. However, please watch this video of Nic Vujicic. We believe you will find it one of the most inspiring you have ever viewed! Nic was born without arms or legs yet lives a full life as a painter, sky diver, motivational speaker, husband, and proud father of two sons.

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Outlawing abortion won’t lead to fewer abortions, just fewer safe abortions

Ira, regarding “back-alley abortions”, that is an image that quite honestly was manufactured by abortion advocates and yet debunked by more honest abortion proponents.

Even as far back as 1960, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, a former director of Planned Parenthood wrote in the American Journal of Public Health, “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure…whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.”

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You are choosing the unborn over women

Jed, it is very dangerous to use your shifting, subjective criteria of “importance to the family or society”.  Some societies do not value women – they treat them as sub humans.  Under your criteria that is permissible.  Some families do not value children at any stage – as evidenced by cases of child abuse.  Does that abusive family have the right to determine that child’s value?  Your argument to consider “investment of money or energy” or “achievements” is very utilitarian. Click here for the rest of this response and more comments.

Unwanted children/forced birth

Alan, women are not being forced to give birth.  When a woman has consensual sex, she and the man involved are also accepting all the potential consequences of those actions, which includes pregnancy.   With choice comes responsibility.  It is that way with every choice we make.  Once the choice to have sex results in the beginning of another human being, that human being has the right to life as well. 

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You are choosing the unborn over women

Jed, it is very dangerous to use your shifting, subjective criteria of “importance to the family or society”.  Some societies do not value women – they treat them as sub humans.  Under your criteria that is permissible.  Some families do not value children at any stage – as evidenced by cases of child abuse.

Does that abusive family have the right to determine that child’s value?  Your argument to consider “investment of money or energy” or “achievements” is very utilitarian.

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Unwanted children/forced birth


Alan, women are not being forced to give birth.  When a woman has consensual sex, she and the man involved are also accepting all the potential consequences of those actions, which includes pregnancy.   

With choice comes responsibility.  It is that way with every choice we make.  Once the choice to have sex results in the beginning of another human being, that human being has the right to life as well.  


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“Right to Life” doesn’t include the unborn

Carolyn, on what basis do you make that assertion?  The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution assign our civil rights according to our core humanity – not level of development.  Note the wording from the Constitution, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law;” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “person” as “human”. Very accurate! A person is a human and a human is a person.

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Pro-birth not pro-life

Corey, there is no evidence that those who care about the unborn don’t also care about the born — orphans, aliens, prisoners, etc. That is a demonstrably false red herring statement. In fact, it is churches and “pro-life” people that are funding many of the charities in our world. Also, pregnancy care centers now routinely provide assistance for 2-4 years following the birth of a child. What does Planned Parenthood, NARAL and others provide?Click here for the rest of this response and more comments.

“Right to Life” doesn’t include the unborn

Carolyn, on what basis do you make that assertion?  The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution assign our civil rights according to our core humanity – not level of development.  Note the wording from the Constitution, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “person” as “human”. Very accurate! A person is a human and a human is a person.

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Pro-birth not pro-life


Corey, there is no evidence that those who care about the unborn don’t also care about the born — orphans, aliens, prisoners, etc. That is a demonstrably false red herring statement.

In fact, it is churches and “pro-life” people that are funding many of the charities in our world. Also, pregnancy care centers now routinely provide assistance for 2-4 years following the birth of a child. What does Planned Parenthood, NARAL and others provide?

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God is in favor of abortion

Richard, all human beings die. Natural death at any stage of development is just that – natural. So, when a fertilized egg fails to implant or develop it is not abortion.  It is simply death at an early stage.  Abortion is different.  It is intentional killing – the direct disruption of the natural growth of the fetus.

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When life begins is subjective

Halee, actually there is almost universal consensus among biologists that human life begins at conception.  In a landmark study in 2019 Steve Jacobs “emailed surveys to professors in the biology departments of over 1,000 institutions around the world.” The results showed that the vast majority of biologists believe that life begins at conception. Jacobs wrote, “I found that 5,337 biologists (96%) affirmed that a human’s life begins at fertilization, with 240 (4%) rejecting that view.”  Click here for the rest of this response and more comments.

God is in favor of abortion


Richard, all human beings die. Natural death at any stage of development is just that – natural. So, when a fertilized egg fails to implant or develop it is not abortion.  It is simply death at an early stage.

Abortion is different.  It is intentional killing – the direct disruption of the natural growth of the fetus.



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When life begins is subjective

Halee, actually there is almost universal consensus among biologists that human life begins at conception.  In a landmark study in 2019 Steve Jacobs “emailed surveys to professors in the biology departments of over 1,000 institutions around the world.”

The results showed that the vast majority of biologists believe that life begins at conception. Jacobs wrote, “I found that 5,337 biologists (96%) affirmed that a human’s life begins at fertilization, with 240 (4%) rejecting that view.”

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Life begins at heartbeat

Teddy, at conception a biologically unique human being with its own complete 46 chromosome DNA – genetically separate from their mother or father is formed.  Nothing further genetically will be added.  Only time and nourishment are needed.  The new human being is the same genetically at the moment of conception as when the heart begins to beat.

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Life begins at birth or first breath

Ryan, thanks for sharing your feedback! According to biologists, scientifically human life begins at conception. The fusion of the egg and sperm create a being with its own unique set of DNA — separate from that of its mother or father. This pre-born baby requires only time and nourishment to develop into a full-term baby. Premies are now routinely saved as early as 22 weeks. Here’s the June 5, 2020 story about Richard Hutchinson, born at just 21 weeks! Click here to see the rest of this response and more comments.

Life begins at heartbeat


Teddy, at conception a biologically unique human being with its own complete 46 chromosome DNA – genetically separate from their mother or father is formed.  Nothing further genetically will be added.  Only time and nourishment are needed.

The new human being is the same genetically at the moment of conception as when the heart begins to beat.


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Life begins at birth/first breath


Ryan, thanks for sharing your feedback! According to biologists, scientifically human life begins at conception. The fusion of the egg and sperm create a being with its own unique set of DNA — separate from that of its mother or father.This pre-born baby requires only time and nourishment to develop into a full-term baby. Premies are now routinely saved as early as 22 weeks.

Here’s the June 5, 2020 story about Richard Hutchinson, born at just 21 weeks!

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Life begins at viability

Maria, what about the baby born prematurely who needs artificial support for a period of time? Has that child’s life not begun? What about an older child or adult who experiences a medical emergency or accident that temporarily requires life support? Do we, depending upon our health, go in and out of being “alive” and deemed worthy as humans? If independence is the threshold of life then children would not truly be human until close to adolescence.

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Life begins at sentience/brain activity

Braun, we can see brainwave activity as early as 5-6 weeks in utero and the heart begins beating at around 21 days.  However, science supports the idea that life begins at conception. When the sperm and egg fuse, they create a human being with its own unique set of DNA. DNA is the identifier of life, which is why life must be protected from conception, the point at which a unique 46 chromosome human being comes into existence.

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Life begins at viability

Maria, what about the baby born prematurely who needs artificial support for a period of time?

Has that child’s life not begun? What about an older child or adult who experiences a medical emergency or accident that temporarily requires life support? Do we, depending upon our health, go in and out of being “alive” and deemed worthy as humans?

If independence is the threshold of life then children would not truly be human until close to adolescence.

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Life begins at sentience/brain activity


Braun, we can see brainwave activity as early as 5-6 weeks in utero and the heart begins beating at around 21 days.  However, science supports the idea that life begins at conception.

When the sperm and egg fuse, they create a human being with its own unique set of DNA. DNA is the identifier of life, which is why life must be protected from conception, the point at which a unique 46 chromosome human being comes into existence.

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Pro-life laws oppress women
Alan, approximately half the human beings aborted are female.  Abortion is the ultimate oppression of females – and males.  If you know your facts, you know that sex selection abortion is overwhelming aimed at females – another atrocity that abortion perpetuates – against females.Abortion harms many women emotionally.  Please read Abortion and subsequent mental health: Review of the literature by Carlo V. Bellieni MD,Giuseppe Buonocore MD, PhD in the journal, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.
A fetus is a parasite

Lyla, it is demeaning and dehumanizing to refer to the unborn child as a “parasite”.  Dehumanization is the very basis of oppression throughout the world. Every human life has intrinsic value. Also, there must be some level of self-responsibility. When a woman has consensual sex, she is also accepting all the potential consequences of those actions, which includes pregnancy.

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Pro-life laws oppress women

Alan, approximately half the human beings aborted are female.  Abortion is the ultimate oppression of females – and males.
If you know your facts, you know that sex selection abortion is overwhelming aimed at females – another atrocity that abortion perpetuates – against females.
Abortion harms many women emotionally.  Please read Abortion and subsequent mental health: Review of the literature by Carlo V. Bellieni MD,Giuseppe Buonocore MD, PhD in the journal, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.

A fetus is a parasite


Lyla, It is demeaning and dehumanizing to refer to the unborn child as a “parasite”.  Dehumanization is the very basis of oppression throughout the world. Every human life has intrinsic value. Also, there must be some level of self-responsibility.

When a woman has consensual sex, she is also accepting all the potential consequences of those actions, which includes pregnancy.


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Comprehensive sex ed and access to contraception is the solution

Paul, yes, the best way to reduce abortion is to prevent unplanned pregnancies. But the supposition that comprehensive sex ed and access to contraceptives is the answer does not bear up under scrutiny. Let’s compare two US states – California and Texas (pre-Dobbs). California has very “liberal, progressive” reproductive healthcare policies while Texas has been more conservative. California’s abortion rate was 16.4 in 2017.

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Organ donation argument

Lucy, donation of organs is a completely different issue.  The hypothetical kidney patient has no connection to the donor, whereas the fetus has an intimate connection/relationship to the mother from the moment of conception.  Relationship matters.  We definitely agree that body autonomy is important.  Therefore, should we not protect the body autonomy of the fetus – a separate human life?

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Comprehensive sex ed and access to contraception is the solution


Paul, yes, the best way to reduce abortion is to prevent unplanned pregnancies. But the supposition that comprehensive sex ed and access to contraceptives is the answer does not bear up under scrutiny.

Let’s compare two US states – California and Texas (pre-Dobbs). California has very “liberal, progressive” reproductive healthcare policies while Texas has been more conservative. California’s abortion rate was 16.4 in 2017.


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Organ donation argument


Lucy, donation of organs is a completely different issue.  The hypothetical kidney patient has no connection to the donor, whereas the fetus has an intimate connection/relationship to the mother from the moment of conception.

Relationship matters.  We definitely agree that body autonomy is important.  Therefore, should we not protect the body autonomy of the fetus – a separate human life?

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Abortion is a Constitutional right

Robin, please remember that the Dred Scot Supreme Court decision which upheld slavery was also a 7-2 decision. The Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court decision was a 7-1 vote. That horrible decision upheld segregation. Therefore, we know historically that sweeping votes do not indicate correct votes. The issue of abortion is a human rights issue – just as the two cases cited above. Genetically a unique human life begins at the moment of conception. Click here for the rest of this response and more comments.

Planned Parenthood provides many good services

Michael, non-abortion services provided at Planned Parenthood (PP) clinics decreased in nearly every major category during the 2017–18 fiscal year. PP’s provision of contraception decreased by 80,000, cancer screenings by 45,000, and other services such as well-woman exams and prenatal services decreased by 13,000. The only category that significantly increased was abortion procedures and tests/treatment for STDs.

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Abortion is a Constitutional right


Robin, please remember that the Dred Scot Supreme Court decision which upheld slavery was also a 7-2 decision. The Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court decision was a 7-1 vote. That horrible decision upheld segregation. Therefore, we know historically that sweeping votes do not indicate correct votes.

The issue of abortion is a human rights issue – just as the two cases cited above. Genetically a unique human life begins at the moment of conception.

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Planned Parenthood provides good services


Michael, non-abortion services provided at Planned Parenthood (PP) clinics decreased in nearly every major category during the 2017–18 fiscal year. PP’s provision of contraception decreased by 80,000, cancer screenings by 45,000, and other services such as well-woman exams and prenatal services decreased by 13,000.

The only category that significantly increased was abortion procedures and tests/treatment for STDs.

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If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one

Bob, the statement that “If you don’t like abortion then don’t get one” ignores all moral convention.  As societies, we impose many limits on people in the name of protecting others from harm.  Some people do not see anything wrong with stealing, but we intervene in their decision to steal in order to protect others.

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Abortion is healthcare

When Does Life Begin: Michael, please clarify why you believe abortion is healthcare. In abortion, life is destroyed, not restored.

Michael:  Abortion is the procedure when a woman miscarries and the fetus doesn’t get expelled. That is healthcare. If there is no abortion, the woman will die.

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If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one



Bob, the statement that “If you don’t like abortion then don’t get one” ignores all moral convention.  As societies, we impose many limits on people in the name of protecting others from harm.

Some people do not see anything wrong with stealing, but we intervene in their decision to steal in order to protect others.


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Abortion is healthcare


When Does Life Begin: Michael, please clarify why you believe abortion is healthcare. In abortion, life is destroyed, not restored.


Michael:  Abortion is the procedure when a woman miscarries and the fetus doesn’t get expelled. That is healthcare. If there is no abortion, the woman will die.


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